Which of the Following is Recommended Maintenance for an Inboard Boat?

Which of the Following is Recommended Maintenance for an Inboard Boat?

Which of the Following is Recommended Maintenance for an Inboard Boat?

It is essential for boaters to take the boat ed exam, not only to secure a license but also to have all boating protocols at their fingers tips .

One of the questions that you will face in the boat ed exam and Quizlets is, “Which of the following is recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?”

You could choose the correct answer, “replacing a deteriorated engine or corroded hull zinc“, from the list of options provided with the multiple-choice question.

However, you should really know the elaborate answer to the question.

Now, let’s go beyond the correct option to pass the test and supplement your answer with proper knowledge about the perfect ways to maintain an inboard boat.

Recommended Maintenance for an Inboard Boat

Boats nowadays are low-maintenance vehicles. It is important to clean and lubricate them. 

In most ways, a boat is much like any other vehicle – in order to ensure that it is in perfect working condition, you must keep an eye on the fluid levels, wash and wax the boat, take care of the engine, and find proper storage for it. 

a) Flushing the Engine

Inboard boat engines tend to get dirty. This is because debris starts to collect each time you take the boat out for a ride.

Eventually, this begins to affect the performance of the vehicle. To prevent this, you should flush the boat engine regularly using a special cleaning fluid to remove the debris.

It is also recommended that you cover the air intake to prevent the debris from entering the engine while flushing it. 

b) Winterizing

Winterizing a boat motor means removing the water aboard, replacing it with antifreeze, and following essential maintenance steps before temperatures hit the lowest degrees at the end of the boating season.

These steps include:

  • preparing the boat by putting gas in the tank, adding the fuel stabilizer, and warming the engine
  • adding antifreeze to the engine block and sterndrive
  • spraying fogging oil on the boat engine
  • replacing the oil filter
  • changing the engine oil

If you do not follow the steps mentioned above, the frozen water droplets can crack boat components after expansion.

c) Washing the Boat

Giving your inboard boat a regular wash is probably one of the easiest things to do for its maintenance.

This hardly requires any technical know-how.

There are various cleaning products available in the market to make the job easier for you. Remember to wash your boat with fresh water after every ride. 

This will keep away the corrosive effects of salt water.

d) Oil Change

Replacing the oil in your boat should not just be a part of winterization. Your inboard boat demands a change of oil on a regular basis.

It is not difficult to change the oil. Everything you need to do or know is available in the user manual.

However, if you are not confident about doing it yourself, you can always contact a dealer. You must remember to change the oil after every 100 hours of using the engine.

You can also check out this video to learn

e) Checking the Propeller

Keep an eye out for fishing lines, ropes, and anchor chains that often get tangled around rotating propellers.

Ropes and lines don’t generally damage the propeller, unless it is an aluminum prop that can get bent. However, an anchor chain can bend or destroy the propeller.

You should also look out for scrapes and dents as damaged props can hinder the boat’s smooth performance.

You might also be interested in learning what equipment to use to prevent propeller strike injuries?

Final Thoughts on Inboard Boat Maintenance

Remember that owning an inboard boat is a huge responsibility.

It is not enough to just select the right answer in your boating exam when you face the question, “Which of the following is recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?” You need to know the answer in detail and apply your knowledge.

You can choose to leave your annual boat maintenance to a pro, but it is not all that hard to take care of your boat by yourself.

As long as you are consistent and follow the maintenance tips, you will eventually get the hang of it. You can always contact a professional if you need to repair any severe damage to your boat. 

Which of the Following is Recommended Maintenance for an Inboard Boat?